88 research outputs found

    The Phyre2 web portal for protein modeling, prediction and analysis

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    Phyre2 is a suite of tools available on the web to predict and analyze protein structure, function and mutations. The focus of Phyre2 is to provide biologists with a simple and intuitive interface to state-of-the-art protein bioinformatics tools. Phyre2 replaces Phyre, the original version of the server for which we previously published a paper in Nature Protocols. In this updated protocol, we describe Phyre2, which uses advanced remote homology detection methods to build 3D models, predict ligand binding sites and analyze the effect of amino acid variants (e.g., nonsynonymous SNPs (nsSNPs)) for a user's protein sequence. Users are guided through results by a simple interface at a level of detail they determine. This protocol will guide users from submitting a protein sequence to interpreting the secondary and tertiary structure of their models, their domain composition and model quality. A range of additional available tools is described to find a protein structure in a genome, to submit large number of sequences at once and to automatically run weekly searches for proteins that are difficult to model. The server is available at http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/phyre2. A typical structure prediction will be returned between 30 min and 2 h after submission

    HAAD: A Quick Algorithm for Accurate Prediction of Hydrogen Atoms in Protein Structures

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    Hydrogen constitutes nearly half of all atoms in proteins and their positions are essential for analyzing hydrogen-bonding interactions and refining atomic-level structures. However, most protein structures determined by experiments or computer prediction lack hydrogen coordinates. We present a new algorithm, HAAD, to predict the positions of hydrogen atoms based on the positions of heavy atoms. The algorithm is built on the basic rules of orbital hybridization followed by the optimization of steric repulsion and electrostatic interactions. We tested the algorithm using three independent data sets: ultra-high-resolution X-ray structures, structures determined by neutron diffraction, and NOE proton-proton distances. Compared with the widely used programs CHARMM and REDUCE, HAAD has a significantly higher accuracy, with the average RMSD of the predicted hydrogen atoms to the X-ray and neutron diffraction structures decreased by 26% and 11%, respectively. Furthermore, hydrogen atoms placed by HAAD have more matches with the NOE restraints and fewer clashes with heavy atoms. The average CPU cost by HAAD is 18 and 8 times lower than that of CHARMM and REDUCE, respectively. The significant advantage of HAAD in both the accuracy and the speed of the hydrogen additions should make HAAD a useful tool for the detailed study of protein structure and function. Both an executable and the source code of HAAD are freely available at http://zhang.bioinformatics.ku.edu/HAAD

    I-TASSER server for protein 3D structure prediction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prediction of 3-dimensional protein structures from amino acid sequences represents one of the most important problems in computational structural biology. The community-wide Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP) experiments have been designed to obtain an objective assessment of the state-of-the-art of the field, where I-TASSER was ranked as the best method in the server section of the recent 7th CASP experiment. Our laboratory has since then received numerous requests about the public availability of the I-TASSER algorithm and the usage of the I-TASSER predictions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An on-line version of I-TASSER is developed at the KU Center for Bioinformatics which has generated protein structure predictions for thousands of modeling requests from more than 35 countries. A scoring function (C-score) based on the relative clustering structural density and the consensus significance score of multiple threading templates is introduced to estimate the accuracy of the I-TASSER predictions. A large-scale benchmark test demonstrates a strong correlation between the C-score and the TM-score (a structural similarity measurement with values in [0, 1]) of the first models with a correlation coefficient of 0.91. Using a C-score cutoff > -1.5 for the models of correct topology, both false positive and false negative rates are below 0.1. Combining C-score and protein length, the accuracy of the I-TASSER models can be predicted with an average error of 0.08 for TM-score and 2 Å for RMSD.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The I-TASSER server has been developed to generate automated full-length 3D protein structural predictions where the benchmarked scoring system helps users to obtain quantitative assessments of the I-TASSER models. The output of the I-TASSER server for each query includes up to five full-length models, the confidence score, the estimated TM-score and RMSD, and the standard deviation of the estimations. The I-TASSER server is freely available to the academic community at <url>http://zhang.bioinformatics.ku.edu/I-TASSER</url>.</p

    A Comparative Approach Linking Molecular Dynamics of Altered Peptide Ligands and MHC with In Vivo Immune Responses

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    The recognition of peptide in the context of MHC by T lymphocytes is a critical step in the initiation of an adaptive immune response. However, the molecular nature of the interaction between peptide and MHC and how it influences T cell responsiveness is not fully understood.We analyzed the immunological consequences of the interaction of MHC class II (I-Au) restricted 11-mer peptides of myelin basic protein with amino acid substitutions at position 4. These mutant peptides differ in MHC binding affinity, CD4+ T cell priming, and alter the severity of peptide-induced experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Using molecular dynamics, a computational method of quantifying intrinsic movements of proteins at high resolution, we investigated conformational changes in MHC upon peptide binding. We found that irrespective of peptide binding affinity, MHC deformation appears to influence costimulation, which then leads to effective T cell priming and disease induction. Although this study compares in vivo and molecular dynamics results for three altered peptide ligands, further investigation with similar complexes is essential to determine whether spatial rearrangement of peptide-MHC and costimulatory complexes is an additional level of T cell regulation

    Modelling study of dimerization in mammalian defensins

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    BACKGROUND: Defensins are antimicrobial peptides of innate immunity functioning by non-specific binding to anionic phospholipids in bacterial membranes. Their cationicity, amphipathicity and ability to oligomerize are considered key factors for their action. Based on structural information on human β-defensin 2, we examine homologous defensins from various mammalian species for conserved functional physico-chemical characteristics. RESULTS: Based on homology greater than 40%, structural models of 8 homologs of HBD-2 were constructed. A conserved pattern of electrostatics and dynamics was observed across 6 of the examined defensins; models backed by energetics suggest that the defensins in these 6 organisms are characterized by dimerization-linked enhanced functional potentials. In contrast, dimerization is not energetically favoured in the sheep, goat and mouse defensins, suggesting that they function efficiently as monomers. CONCLUSION: β-defensin 2 from some mammals may work as monomers while those in others, including humans, work as oligomers. This could potentially be used to design human defensins that may be effective at lower concentrations and hence have therapeutic benefits

    Homology modelling and spectroscopy, a never-ending love story

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    Homology modelling is normally the technique of choice when experimental structure data are not available but three-dimensional coordinates are needed, for example, to aid with detailed interpretation of results of spectroscopic studies. Herein, the state of the art of homology modelling will be described in the light of a series of recent developments, and an overview will be given of the problems and opportunities encountered in this field. The major topic, the accuracy and precision of homology models, will be discussed extensively due to its influence on the reliability of conclusions drawn from the combination of homology models and spectroscopic data. Three real-world examples will illustrate how both homology modelling and spectroscopy can be beneficial for (bio)medical research

    Anchored Design of Protein-Protein Interfaces

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    Few existing protein-protein interface design methods allow for extensive backbone rearrangements during the design process. There is also a dichotomy between redesign methods, which take advantage of the native interface, and de novo methods, which produce novel binders.Here, we propose a new method for designing novel protein reagents that combines advantages of redesign and de novo methods and allows for extensive backbone motion. This method requires a bound structure of a target and one of its natural binding partners. A key interaction in this interface, the anchor, is computationally grafted out of the partner and into a surface loop on the design scaffold. The design scaffold's surface is then redesigned with backbone flexibility to create a new binding partner for the target. Careful choice of a scaffold will bring experimentally desirable characteristics into the new complex. The use of an anchor both expedites the design process and ensures that binding proceeds against a known location on the target. The use of surface loops on the scaffold allows for flexible-backbone redesign to properly search conformational space.This protocol was implemented within the Rosetta3 software suite. To demonstrate and evaluate this protocol, we have developed a benchmarking set of structures from the PDB with loop-mediated interfaces. This protocol can recover the correct loop-mediated interface in 15 out of 16 tested structures, using only a single residue as an anchor

    Evaluation of 3D-Jury on CASP7 models

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>3D-Jury, the structure prediction consensus method publicly available in the Meta Server <url>http://meta.bioinfo.pl/</url>, was evaluated using models gathered in the 7<sup><it>th </it></sup>round of the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP7). 3D-Jury is an automated expert process that generates protein structure meta-predictions from sets of models obtained from partner servers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The performance of 3D-Jury was analysed for three aspects. First, we examined the correlation between the 3D-Jury score and a model quality measure: the number of correctly predicted residues. The 3D-Jury score was shown to correlate significantly with the number of correctly predicted residues, the correlation is good enough to be used for prediction. 3D-Jury was also found to improve upon the competing servers' choice of the best structure model in most cases. The value of the 3D-Jury score as a generic reliability measure was also examined. We found that the 3D-Jury score separates bad models from good models better than the reliability score of the original server in 27 cases and falls short of it in only 5 cases out of a total of 38. We report the release of a new Meta Server feature: instant 3D-Jury scoring of uploaded user models.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The 3D-Jury score continues to be a good indicator of structural model quality. It also provides a generic reliability score, especially important for models that were not assigned such by the original server. Individual structure modellers can also benefit from the 3D-Jury scoring system by testing their models in the new instant scoring feature <url>http://meta.bioinfo.pl/compare_your_model_example.pl</url> available in the Meta Server.</p

    TMFoldRec: a statistical potential-based transmembrane protein fold recognition tool.

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    BACKGROUND: Transmembrane proteins (TMPs) are the key components of signal transduction, cell-cell adhesion and energy and material transport into and out from the cells. For the deep understanding of these processes, structure determination of transmembrane proteins is indispensable. However, due to technical difficulties, only a few transmembrane protein structures have been determined experimentally. Large-scale genomic sequencing provides increasing amounts of sequence information on the proteins and whole proteomes of living organisms resulting in the challenge of bioinformatics; how the structural information should be gained from a sequence. RESULTS: Here, we present a novel method, TMFoldRec, for fold prediction of membrane segments in transmembrane proteins. TMFoldRec based on statistical potentials was tested on a benchmark set containing 124 TMP chains from the PDBTM database. Using a 10-fold jackknife method, the native folds were correctly identified in 77 % of the cases. This accuracy overcomes the state-of-the-art methods. In addition, a key feature of TMFoldRec algorithm is the ability to estimate the reliability of the prediction and to decide with an accuracy of 70 %, whether the obtained, lowest energy structure is the native one. CONCLUSION: These results imply that the membrane embedded parts of TMPs dictate the TM structures rather than the soluble parts. Moreover, predictions with reliability scores make in this way our algorithm applicable for proteome-wide analyses. AVAILABILITY: The program is available upon request for academic use

    RosettaScripts: A Scripting Language Interface to the Rosetta Macromolecular Modeling Suite

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    Macromolecular modeling and design are increasingly useful in basic research, biotechnology, and teaching. However, the absence of a user-friendly modeling framework that provides access to a wide range of modeling capabilities is hampering the wider adoption of computational methods by non-experts. RosettaScripts is an XML-like language for specifying modeling tasks in the Rosetta framework. RosettaScripts provides access to protocol-level functionalities, such as rigid-body docking and sequence redesign, and allows fast testing and deployment of complex protocols without need for modifying or recompiling the underlying C++ code. We illustrate these capabilities with RosettaScripts protocols for the stabilization of proteins, the generation of computationally constrained libraries for experimental selection of higher-affinity binding proteins, loop remodeling, small-molecule ligand docking, design of ligand-binding proteins, and specificity redesign in DNA-binding proteins